Pastor Frank and Cindy Chouinard
Pastor Stephen and Joanne Conklin
Following studies for his Bachelor of Education at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and graduation from Canadian Nazarene College with his Bachelor of Theology, Pastor Frank has led congregations in Sylvan Lake and Medicine Hat Alberta and in Collingwood and Ottawa Ontario. While leading the Trinity congregation Pastor Frank was involved in district ministry in various capacities including District Secretary. He led the formation of Trinity Church's community garden and was chaplain for the Ottawa Misfits motorcycle group.
Cindy is ECE trained and holds a Bachelor of Psychology degree from Carleton University. She is a certified Forest and Nature practitioner, was a licensed childcare provider working in both group and home daycare settings, and has led a number of seminars for others in the childcare field. Frank and Cindy have three adult children and five grandchildren (all in the Edmonton area). They enjoy time with their family, visiting and exploring Canada and other parts of the world, touring on their motorcycle, quiet walks, and sitting in their living room with a book in one hand and a good cup of coffee in the other. Pastor Steve accepted Jesus as his Saviour when he was 35 and since that time God has allowed him, as he says, some great and awesome opportunities. He serves God with – his hope – the Spirit of Christ, and understands that it is his job to be His hands and His feet to those around him. When Jesus was asked by the Pharisees what was the two greatest commandments? He replied, “To love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, mind and body and love your neighbour as yourself.” Who is our neighbour? Everyone!
Pastor Steve graduated from Canadian Nazarene College in Winnipeg in April 1995. He led the Saltcoats and Fort Saskatchewan Churches of the Nazarene as pastor, and has served as chaplain at the Edmonton Young Offenders Center and at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Center (his current assignment). Pastor Steve is very much involved in community, inter-church, and denominational activities. He and Joanne lead a Marriage Enrichment Group, an opportunity for married couples to develop skills and to deal with issues to make our marriages stronger. He considers his wife Joanne and daughter Faith as his greatest treasures. They enjoy traveling, camping, and fishing. |